Yarns, Tales and Outright Lies


p3Landscapes and Parodies series songs ‘n tunes / David Luck, music and lyrics:

Luck’s acoustic fusion of traditional folk, jazz, rock, blues, cabaret and show tunes continues. Twelve tracks of original compositions and arrangements include six songs and six instrumentals.

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Yarns, Tales & Outright Lies features:

Vocals by Jessica & Joemca, Julia Steiner, Frankie Lackey, Alton Johnson, Joe Mallory and David Luck with:

David Luck and Frankie Lackey, guitars
Jackson Kidder, bass
Sarah Holtschlag, singing saw
Brian Demski, percussion

Vocal arrangement of Goodnight Shelia Devine by Jessica & Joemica

RECORDINGS by: Joemca at The Laboratory – NYC / Andrew Arbetter at SHIRK studios – Chicago / Stuart Leitch at Overtones – Oak Park IL / Frankie Lackey – Nashville TN / David Luck – Equality AL / Brian Carter at RETRAC, Lineville AL

PROJECT & Mastering ENGINEER: Andrew Arbetter

Shrink wrapped wallet with artwork by C C Luck and Heather Devaney. Graphics and layout and production notes by artist.

Released 2017